About Us

For over 40 years, the New York State Department of Financial Services has provided consumers and insurance carriers with the opportunity for the conciliation or arbitration of disputed claims in certain automobile insurance programs. In partnership with the New York State Department of Financial Services throughout those years, the American Arbitration Association® (AAA) has administered the arbitration of such disputed claims on the Department’s behalf. The programs in which the arbitration of disputed claims has been administered by the AAA include no-fault insurance, uninsured motorist (UM) insurance and supplemental underinsured motorist (SUM) insurance. In late 1999, at the request of the Department of Financial Services, the AAA also undertook the conciliation function in no-fault insurance cases.

The AAA New York Insurance ADR Center’s online platform for filing and managing all AAA-administered New York no-fault cases, is a secure, cloud-based platform that allows users to negotiate settlements, run reports, check account balances, and perform all other functions online and all in real time. The AAA will continue to support all current processes for those parties that elect to interact with the AAA via email, fax, and mail.

Arbitrators can also use the AAA New York Insurance ADR Center to access their assigned cases.

Click here to access the AAA New York Insurance ADR Center online platform.  4

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The AAA New York Insurance ADR Center’s online platform for filing and managing all AAA-administered New York no-fault cases, is a secure, cloud-based platform that allows users to negotiate settlements, run reports, check account balances, and perform all other functions online and all in real time. The AAA will continue to support all current processes for those parties that elect to interact with the AAA via email, fax, and mail.

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